Donaldson LifeTec PP100 N Filter Cartridge

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Donaldson LifeTec PP100 N Filter Cartridge

Kami adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Donaldson LifeTec PP100 N Filter Cartridge Liquid terlengkap menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan spare part filter water treatment untuk keperluan industri dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.

Donaldson LifeTec™ PP100 N Liquid Filter Elements Absolute Rated Depth Type Filters Constructed of 100% Polypropylene Media


Overview Donaldson LifeTec PP100 N Filter Cartridge

Donaldson LifeTec™ PP100 N filters deliver superior flow rates and high throughput with absolute micron and submicron particulate retention and high dirt holding capacity.

PP100 N filters contain a graded density polypropylene microfiber filter medium that provides a tapered pore structure. Their all-polypropylene construction provides broad chemical compatibility and low extractable levels in a wide range of fluids and applications.

The filter’s polypropylene media is a self-bonded structure comprised of multiple layers of successively finer fibers and smaller pores. This state-of-the-art design results in a highly porous, tapered pore structure consistent of a controlled absolute rated inner layer and several outer prefilter layers which substantially increase the dirt holding capacity.

All components meet the EU and US requirements for Food Contact Use in accordance with CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Title 21 and EC/1935/2004 and subsequent amendments. The filter element is manufactured in accordance with the GMP requirements as defined in EC/2023/2006, has no migration of filter media, is non-fiber releasing and is thermally welded.

All materials used do not contain any Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as defined in EC/1907/2006 and EC/65/2011

Technology Liquid

Donaldson liquid filtration solutions will help preserve the integrity of your product and enhance product performance at all stages.

  • Strength– robust polypropylene filter liner (rhombus structure), that improves static and flow conditions. Improved pressure stability and torsional stiffness, preventing damage to the filter element during filter replacement.
  • Performance– excellent flow rate and low pressure drop reducing total cost of ownership.
  • Availability– single piece flow manufacturing guarantees product availability of large batches and single item lots.



  • Absolute particle removal
  • Asymmetrical pore structure for longer service life
  • Highly robust polypropylene construction protects against deformation
  • Excellent flow rate
  • Approved for Food Contact use according to US CFR Title 21 & EC/1935/2004



Food and beverage filtration:

  • Bottled water
  • Soft drinks
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Spirits
  • Syrups

Chemical purification:

  • Acids
  • Bases
  • Complexing agents
  • Alcohols, aldehydes
  • Etchants
  • Chlorinated and fluorinated solvents
  • Esters and ketones
  • Photolithographic liquids


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Alamat kontak


Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Kantor : +6221 84937329 , 84937805 , 22962668

Mobile : 081385066789

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